

SBB (The Swiss railways) garage, Europaallee/Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich, 2014

Few days before the demolition of a former garage of the SBB (Swiss Railways), in the Europaallee in Zurich, I did two interventions within the building. Shift is one of those two works that came out: a site-specific installation within a long main corridor. The side doors are removed from the hinges and repositioned obliquely. The spatial perception changes as parts of its verticality shifts diagonally creating a new coordination system, fluid and mutable.

The doors, subsequently removed, were then installed inside a corridor by the nearby art space Kunstraum Walcheturm, as part of my solo exhibition Shift.


Shift, Europaallee/Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich, 2014

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